Wednesday, July 8, 2009

UAE Driver's License Signal Tests

In continuation to yesterday's experience, I woke up early this morning to get to the Sharjah Police HQ to take my test.

I got there at about 9:30 am and gave my papers to an Emirati lady requesting that I take the test today. She asked me if I have the handbook and I said yes so I asked again if I can take the test today and she said no and to come back on Sunday. I asked maybe it's possible today and she said again no. This afternoon? Again, no. I begged that I take the test today because I am ready to take the test. She spoke to another Emirati and they were talking in Arabic and she came back to me to say ok and pointing told me to go to room number eight. I said my thanks and went where she pointed. I couldn't see room #8. I saw men's waiting room and it was full and a sign saying "Gate 4." I came back to her and said I'm sorry I couldn't find room #8. She smiled and turned to another Emirati and they giggled and turned to me and pointing to the same direction she said that I go to room #19.

I finally found it, it was the small room on the corner with a sign saying testing room. I knocked once and opened the door. I saw a wall full of traffic signs, chairs, a desk at the end of the room with a police officer facilitating an oral exam to a lady wearing an abaya. When he saw me, he said that I wait outside.

So, I waited outside and reviewed my traffic signs. A few minutes later, the lady in the abaya went out and I proceeded inside. The police got my paper and made me sit facing the wall of traffic signs. He had a switch board to his left and turned on the light to a traffic sign. He asked me what it was and I said no-entry. This went on for a few moments, he was lighting different traffic signs at random. Maybe after ten traffic signs, he signed my papers, said good, and instructed me to go to the cashier.

The whole test took only less than five minutes! And to think that the girl wanted me to come another day for this. It was costing me Dhs 17 each way and to someone who is only getting her salary every five months, this is expensive!

Anyways, I proceeded to the cashier and paid Dhs 65 and I was scheduled to come back on the 29th at 9 am for my actual driving test. I am so relieved I got that out of the way!

Again, the saga continues....

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