Friday, July 17, 2009


Every Friday after church service and whenever possible, I attend what the group calls OG or Outreach Group. It's a born-again Christian activity and I attend the meeting even if I'm a Catholic.

In one of the meetings, after discussing the Bible, the group leader shared what he heard in his office (he works at DNATA, a travel service company owned by Emirates Airlines which was recently bought by Etihad Airlines). He said that there was news about a Chinese family living in International City kidnapping a Bangladeshi. They chopped his body and ate it.

Interestingly, just a month before, I also heard a similar incident from this Indian guy in the same group who has a friend at the police department (that police was in-charge of getting the fingerprints). He said that he went to visit a friend who was in jail and before going home, had a chat with his police friend. The police said that they heard a report of another Asian living in Karama, Dubai who called an electrician and a Pakistani came over. The family chopped him up, ate him, and stored the other pieces in the freezer.

It seems like the practice of cannibalism is coming back. The scarier part is, this kind of story is not supposed to get published and it never will because it will scare off tourists and expats. But what about people already living in Dubai? They need to be aware so they can be cautious. I live in Sharjah which is an emirate adjacent to Dubai but it doesn't mean the cannibals only live in Dubai...they can recruit people from anywhere.

How will authorities protect people from this kind of unawareness?


Unknown said...

In my building where I stay 3 bodies were badly eaten by these cannibals but this news did not come anywhere.The govt. has to take stricter action and make this known to the general public

StudentBut said...

i've heard so many stories but i never believed any because i cant find any news online or in the newspapers regarding this. but now i know why!!!!!