Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting a UAE Driver's License

It's been a long while since my last entry but I thought of writing again to get back to my journal writing.

I'll share my experience of applying for a driver's license in the UAE.

I heard that you can only apply for your driver's license in the emirate where your visa was issued. In my special case (but not unique), I was issued a Dubai visa but I work and live in Sharjah (another emirate).

It doesn't matter to me where my UAE license gets issued since it will be acknowledged by the whole of UAE. It matters when there is a significant cost involved AND the process I have to go through just to get one.

I insisted to apply in Sharjah. First, they will acknowledge my valid driver's license in the Philippines. Second, it will only cost Dhs 110 to "open file" and, third, the process is much quicker: medical (less than 10 minutes), theoretical exam (maybe less than 30 mins) and finally, the actual driving test with a police officer who will either pass or fail me. If I pass, I get the license card within the day. Easy, right?

If I will apply in Dubai, it will cost me about Dhs 500 just open a file then a few refresher lessons that'll cost me at least Dhs 80 each (maybe more) and then a driving test with an instructor before finally doing the actual driving with an RTA officer (RTA is Dubai's Road Transport Authority). So, I'm not happy with the amount I will have to shell out PLUS the amount of time I'll spend re-learning what I already know. And the Dubai driving schools are very notorious for delaying schedules. I have a friend who has been trying to get a driver's license for over a year!

So, I got my documents sorted out before going to the Sharjah Police Traffic & Licensing Office: (1) letter from the company requesting a driver's license file be opened for me, (2) original and photocopy of my passport and visa, (3) letter from the company certifying that I work and live in Sharjah, (4) a copy of the tenancy contract where I live, and (5) two copies of passport size pictures.

I got there and waited for the front girl (an Emirati) to check if my papers are in order. After much ado, she finally gave me a form in Arabic and instructed me to go to the typing center then come back. After about ten minutes, I came back with the filled up form and gave it to the Emirati woman. She told me to sit down and wait. After like thirty minutes or so, she called me and said that I need to present the original tenancy contract. I came back after two days and presented the original tenancy contract. I was again told to wait. Maybe thirty minutes or so has passed and I was called to be told that they won't approve my application because the police officers said I should apply in Dubai. The guy who requested for the tenancy contract happened to be a sheikh and a cousin of my boss but unfortunately, he left for vacation that day and will come back after two weeks. But another Emirati suggested that I go to a Major Hassan, the Director of Driving Licenses, and get his approval. I went up to his office and my papers were sent inside. After maybe 15 minutes, he came out and told me that the letter certifying I live and work in Sharjah should specifically state the exact address of where I live, apart from the original tenancy contract. Okay, fine. I don't want to argue on that.

I came back the next day, which was a Tuesday, with the new letter. I arrived at about 9:30 am. I went to his office and was told to come back at 11 because he hasn't arrived yet. So, I waited 'til 11 and when I got there, I was told to come back at 1:30 because he still hasn't arrived. I decided to go back to the office and to return that afternoon. At the office, I decided to call first just in case he decided not to turn up at all. Good thing I called because it turned out that he'll not be going to the office at all!

In the next two days, I called his office trying to find out what time I can go there and it was always the same...he hasn't arrived or he's busy come the next day. I was told to go on Sunday (the first working day of the week) at 11 am. Of course, I called first and naturally, I was told he's not coming. Monday, I called again and persistently until I was given his direct line. I finally got hold of him and I set an appointment with him. He said to come after 10 am. Tuesday, I decided to leave at 10:45 am just in case he's late. I reasoned that if I get there at 11 am, I can wait until 1 pm. Usually he disappears at 1:30 pm so I thought I can definitely wait for two hours or so. Well, I arrived at 11:30 am and was told to come back after 15 or 20 minutes because he was in a meeting. So, I waited in the ladies' section and rang him at 11:50. When he answered, he said he can't anymore because he's in a meeting and besides, he told me to come at 10 am and it's almost 12 nn now. I reminded him that he told me to come after 10 am and if he would please spare me two minutes only. So he agreed and after five minutes, my papers were finally approved!

Then the Emirati girl processed my papers again and I was shown to a room for eyesight test and blood test. Those took less than ten minutes. My papers went back to the Emirati for more processing so I waited. At past 1 pm, I was called to pay the Dhs 110 and they finally opened my file. BUT, the office handling the scheduling of exam was already closed so I have to go back again the next day.


I'm going back tomorrow so the saga continues.....


Mohit Sureka said...

this is not encouraging. sigh.

taiseer said...

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